What is Stickies?
Stickies is a web application to take notes and manage them. You can make private notes and classify them into categories.
Has been a side project for some months where I leaned modern web development and was the key to convince me to focus my learning on Reactive technologies.
Tech Stack
Stickies it's based in modern web development technologies as:
React as the main framework for javascript development, it allows to create reusable components and manage the state of the application.
Redux as the state manager, it allows to manage the state of the application in a global way and to be able to access it from any component.
Typescript as the main language, it allows to have a typed code and to be able to detect errors in the code before executing it.
Styled Components as the main CSS framework, it allows to create components with their own styles and to be able to reuse them in the application.
React Icons as the main icon library, it allows to use icons in the application in a simple way.
My role in Stickies
I have been the only developer of the project, I have been in charge of the design and development of the application.
So far I have developed the following features:
Idea and concept of the application.
Design of the service architecture.
Prototyping of the application in design tools.
Development of the application in React.
Deployment of the application in Vercel.
What I learned
Stickies has been the mind changing project that has allowed me to aim to be a Frontend Developer. I have learned a lot about modern web development and I have been able to apply it in a real project.
I have learned to use React as a framework for web development, to manage the state of the application with Redux, to use Typescript as a programming language, to use Styled Components as a CSS framework and to use React Icons as an icon library.
What's next
During 2023, I developed a modern version of Stickies using Nextjs and Tailwind CSS.